Ransomware is a form of malicious software (or malware) which is designed to lock the victim’s data, typically by encryption, and payment is demanded before the ransomed data is decrypted and access is returned. The motive is almost always monetary, and unlike other types of attacks, the victim is usually notified and given instructions on how to proceed.

Ransomware is generally delivered using phishing emails or through exploit kits. Phishing emails contain malicious attachments, which include ransomware or links to a compromised website hosting malware. Exploit kits are a malicious tool that cybercriminals use to attack vulnerabilities in systems, so they can distribute malware.




Backup important data regularly. Open emails from unknown sources.
Keep an offsite backup. Click on links in unexpected emails.
Use cloud services to mitigate risk. Download attachments received in unknown emails.
Keep your security software up-to-date. Click on pop-up ads in unknown websites.
Keep your operating system and other software up-to-date. Pay the ransom.
Provide regular cyber security training to employees. Deprioritize creating awareness inside your organisation.
Beware of emails that ask you to enable ‘macros’ to view the content.
Enable pop-up blockers on all browsers.


CipherWave offers a range of products and services to help protect businesses against ransomware and other security threats. One way of protecting your business is by ensuring that you have backups in place. CipherWave utilises their locally managed data centre and makes use of Veeam Cloud Connect for their Backup as a Service offering.

Veeam Cloud Connect makes it easy to get your backups offsite to a hosted backup repository using a reliable, secure SSL connection. 

Veeam’s modern backup technology enables you to:

  • Access and recover data in hosted backup repositories directly from the backup console
  • Track cloud repository consumption
  • Receive reminders for hosted storage renewals

Veeam Cloud Connect boasts more than 200 000 customers worldwide and protects over 13 million VMs.

The issue of compliance is something that many businesses need to take into consideration. Encrypted data backup is required by regulation in all businesses that handle sensitive information in order to avoid heavy penalties. Veeam Cloud Connect eliminates compliance concerns by using the simple 3-2-1 process.

CipherWave is a South African Internet Service Provider (ISP) and a Veeam Gold Partner that provides growing businesses a range of solutions to help them connect, communicate and collaborate with their customers, employees and suppliers. We own and manage our own network infrastructure, which enables us to provide efficient, speedy service and support that our customers can count on 24/7.